This one client’s feedback changed my life

Shantanu Bhola
2 min readAug 3, 2023


Testimonial I received

In any business feedback or testimonials are like the mirror of our work. Isn’t it?

Testimonies are not just scraps of words, they are a perspective of our work. If we take them seriously, they help us to reshape our service or our business strategy.

Last year I activated my Fiverr account and posted a few gig ads.

After a few months of advertising my Fiverr service page on social media, to entrepreneurs or to circles of friends.

I received tonnes of leads.

I remember how excited I was when I got my first order on fiverr.

But at the same time I was scared and thought: “Am I able to do the work the way the client expects?”

I put all my thoughts aside and focus on writing articles.

I can still remember being awake for the last 19 hours, working non-stop to complete client orders.

Finally, I handed in my work on time before the deadline and fell asleep.

When I woke up after 7 hours of deep sleep, I checked my Fiverr dashboard first thing in the morning.

I received a notification about a customer feedback.

It’s an incredible feeling when the customer gives me a 5-star rating with detailed positive feedback.

Why is this one customer review special to me?

Because it is my first assignment on Fiverr and I completed it successfully.

This review helps me discover my true potential and boosts my self-confidence.

After that, I worked hard and focused more on quality so that my clients get results and continue to work with me.

What have I learned from these testimonial?

  • HARD WORK is never wasted. It always pays off if done in the right direction.
  • No matter how hard your work is, with COURAGE, DEDICATION, and RIGHT APPROACH, you can achieve anything, you can become anyone.
  • APPRECIATE those who believe in you, and who helped you in your success journey.

I hope this inspirational post will help everyone to work hard.

Thanks for reading!

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— Shantanu



Shantanu Bhola

Hello! I’m Shantanu, Freelance Content Writer | Graphic Designer | Researcher | Bookworm :) Follow me on twitter -