The Ultimate Guide to Writing Irresistible Press Releases for Maximum Media Attention

Shantanu Bhola
6 min readSep 9, 2023

68% of companies reported an increase in brand visibility through press releases.

84% of companies find that press releases are an effective way to share company news.

I wrote marketing content for 100+ small to mid-sized businesses, but one thing that tenfolds their marketing game is a press release.

Whether you want to generate media coverage or just inform your audience about any new update, a press release is a great marketing tool.

Let’s understand this better with an example.

Suppose you have a successful digital marketing business and you recently expanded it by adding one more service, like paid ads. Now what you need to do is publish a press release so that your readers know about your newly added service.

One thing I want to clear up about the press release is …

If you are a newly built startup company, you should ignore publishing press releases. Instead, you should focus on blogs or content marketing because, as a new startup, you should first focus on building online visibility.

But but but …

If your business is growing, you should definitely leverage the power of press releases. It will not only help you connect with your audience but also 10X your media coverage.

Sit comfortably because I am going to unfold all the tidbits of writing an actionable press release.

What exactly is a press release?

A press release is a written or recorded statement about a new update or announcement.

Have you ever wondered why companies need press releases? What benefits do they get from issuing press releases?

It’s all about marketing …

It’s all about attracting their target audience …

Or you can say that it’s all about creating a buzz

For example, the Tata Group announced a change in the logo of Air India. This event created excitement among people, and everyone Googled about the company.

Why do companies need press releases?

There are many reasons a company needs press releases. Some of the common reasons are

  • Product launch: When a new product is launched in the market, companies or industries release press releases to create a buzz in the market.
  • To inform about new updates: If you are a software company and recently updated your software features, you can release a press release to inform your audiences. It will help them to know the benefits of new updates.
  • Award announcement: With a press release, you can also inform your audience about your win or any business achievements.
  • Official announcements: Most companies also release press releases to announce new hirings or promotions.
  • Research purpose: Many scientific communities or industries release press releases to reveal their latest research or inventions. This way, they can attract more investors.

6 Elements of a Press Release

In order to write an attention-grabbing press release, you should focus on seven key elements:

  • Headline
  • Dateline
  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Boilerplate
  • Call to action
  • Media contact details


To captivate your audience, your press release must have an attractive, attention-grabbing headline.

To make your press release writing captivating, you can follow these tips, such as:

Write a short and crisp heading.

Incorporate action verbs.

Make sure your heading specifically talks about the announcement.


Without a date, it is very difficult for users to know the time of the press release. So it should have an exact date of writing.


This section comprises a summary of the announcement.

The summary must be captivating and engaging to encourage the target audience to scroll further.


The body of any press release talks about detailed information about the announcement.

It should be written in small paragraphs of 3 to 4 lines.

It includes information like features, reasons, statistics, quotes, and benefits.


This section depicts the company, such as its founder, mission, established year, and many more.

The objective of adding this section is to gain the trust of your audience by describing the company.

Call to action

To instruct the audience, you have to add an attention-grabbing call to action (CTA).

Follow this 👇 3 C’s rule to write a click-worthy call to action (CTA).

The 3 C’s rule: clear, compelling, and crisp

Suppose you announce a new product update. You can write a call to action to encourage your audience to click on a new update link.

Media contact details

This section comprises contact details for the company, such as

Name of spokesperson or PR team


Email id

6 killer tips to write actionable press releases

Want to write an attention-grabbing press release? Let’s see some tips for crafting a press release that can easily connect with your audience.

Press Release Writing

To craft an excellent press release, you need to focus on three things:

  • About the announcement
  • How it impacts, features, etc.
  • About the company

For example, suppose a gaming company recently launched a new update to the game. Now how do they announce it? By releasing a press release, they can not only inform their audiences but also promote their game, which will help them get new users for their game.

Now let’s see the tips for writing a killer press release:

All you need is a HOOK.

Attractive headline.

Say no to JARGON.

Equip with resources.

PROOFREAD before you hit the publish button.

Ready to share

All you need is a HOOK

I have written around 30 press releases to date.

We all remember the songs, movies, or stories. Why? Because they are all filled with so many great hooks that are stuck somewhere in the user’s mind.

To write a great hook, you need to scratch your mind to research the strategies of competitors or market leaders.

Find which press releases or posts gather more views and engagement, and find out what kind of hooks they write. Based on this information, you can get some inspiration for a great hook for your press release.

Attractive headline

“81% of MENA professionals will spend more time looking for remote jobs in 2021” — Survey

Let’s see the second one.

“New GLC makes its much-awaited India debut at Mercedes-Benz’s new state-of-the-art MAR 20X showroom in the heart of Gurgaon” — Mercedes-Benz’s Press Release

These are some examples of captivating headlines. You can check them out and get inspiration to create one for your press release.

In just a few seconds, your readers decide whether to read your press release or not.

My 3C formula 👇 will help you create compelling headlines.

3'C formula:

# Concept: See, readers won’t care about your brand or company name; they only care about what you bring to them. So write a headline that focuses on concepts. So that, when users read your press release, they find some valuable information.

# Creative: Use creative and powerful words to craft a compelling headline.

# Confirmation: Before finalising your press release, take a break of one to two hours and then read it again and confirm the headline.

Say no to JARGON.

People like simple things because simple things are easy to understand. Your audience can be anyone, like students or less educated people. You have to craft a press release in a way that can be understood by everyone.

So avoid or use fewer jargon words.

Equip with resources.

What’s the point of writing a press release if it doesn’t redirect your reader to your website?

For example. If you are writing a press release for a car company, you should definitely add some car images or any relevant resources. Nobody is interested in reading a press release about the launch of a new car model that lacks an image or a launching video.

PROOFREAD before you hit the publish button.

Any kind of grammatical or readability error can destroy your company’s reputation and credibility among your audience.

So before hitting publish, invest some time to proofread the press release to correct any errors, if any.

Ready to share

Imagine a press release with no views. So this step is as important as earlier steps. You have contacts in publishing houses, newspapers, or influencers in order to share and distribute press releases so they reach the audiences you write for.

Last but not least…

In a nutshell, a press release is a crucial marketing tool for any industry to get media coverage, improve their reputations, and attract their target audience. This comprehensive, detailed guide to the press release will definitely help you write a killer press release. So if you are a company manager, you should definitely think about publishing a press release. It will not only help you attract users but also help you reach a wider audience.

-Shantanu Bhola

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Shantanu Bhola

Hello! I’m Shantanu, Freelance Content Writer | Graphic Designer | Researcher | Bookworm :) Follow me on twitter -